Advayavada Study Plan – week 36 (2336) – samyag-ajiva

To continue with this third quarter’s 13-week Advayavada Study Plan (ASP), during this week, week 36 (which is the same as weeks 23 and 10), we shall crucially implement personally and professionally our improved way of life as best as possible. This task is based on the 5th step on the Noble 8fold Path: samma-ajiva (in Pali) or samyag-ajiva (in Sanskrit); in Advayavada Buddhism’s personalized usage, our very best implementation, realization or putting into practice; in Dutch: onze beste uitvoering (de vijfde stap op het edele achtvoudige pad).

Published by John Willemsens

Advayavada Buddhism teacher - Buddhist name: Advayavadananda. Born in Holland in 1934, lived 1939-1964 in Argentina, happily married to Anne.